2012年6月5日 星期二


"You ought to ask Mr.Mistoffelees!

The Original Conjuring Cat -

The greatest magicians have something to learn

From Mr.Mistoffelees Conjuring Turn.


And we all say: OH!

Well I never!

Was there ever

A Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!


Well I never!

Was there ever

A Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!

He is quiet and small, he is black

From his ears to the tip of his tail;

He can creep through the tiniest crack,

He can walk on the narrowest rail.

He can pick any card from a pack,

He is equally cunning with dice;

He is always deceiving you into believing

That he's only hunting for mice.

He can play any trick with a cork

or a spoon and a bit of fish-paste;

If you look for a knife or a fork

and you think it is merely misplaced -

You have seen it one moment; and then it is GAWN!

(But) you'll find it next week lying out on the lawn.

And we all say: OH!

Well I never!

Was there ever

A Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!


Well I never!

Was there ever

A Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!

His manner is vague and aloof,

You would think there was nobody shyer -

But his voice has been heard on the roof

When he was curled up by the fire.

And he's sometimes been heard by the fire

When he was about on the roof -

(At least we all HEARD that somebody purred)

Which is incontestable proof

Of his singular magical powers:

and I have known the family to call

Him in from the garden for hours,

while he was asleep in the hall.

And not long ago this phenomenal Cat

Produced SEVEN KITTENS right out of a hat!

And we all say: OH!

Well I never!

Was there ever a Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!

OH! Well I never!

Was there ever a Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!

OH! Well I never!

Was there ever a Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!

OH! Well I never!

Was there ever a Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!

OH! Well I never!

Was there ever a Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!

OH! Well I never!

Was there ever a Cat so clever

As Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...

Magical Mr.Mistoffelees!

